13 mei 2015, om 20:00, MUNDO-B, 26 Rue d’Edinbourgh, 1050 Ixelles.

The EU Agenda on Migration: Moving towards a Human Migration Policy?

On 13 May the European Commission will announce the Agenda on Migration, which will address the humanitarian crisis unfolding at our doorstep. It is a crucial moment to address our political leadership about the need for solidarity: solidarity with the migrants risking their lives at sea, and solidarity between the Member States who face this challenge together.

The Dutch delegation of S&D, PvdA Brussels, and sp.a Elsene invite you to join a lively debate with the distinguished representatives MEP Kati Piri, PvdA MP Attje Kuiken, Eugenio Ambrosi (Regional Director IOM), Michele Levoy (Director PICUM), Leonhard den Hertog (researcher CEPS) and others to be confirmed, in order to provide our political representatives with concrete input for their work.

See also the introductory note by Arnold de Boer

Facebookevent; https://www.facebook.com/events/832636836829666/